Also appreciate this. As a trans woman who’s not only very close friends with Viv as well as someone who works with her at her studio, along with dozens of other trans and non-binary people she has boosted up and supported over the years, this gross campaign against her has been exhausting.
It's because of spindlehorse, the shows and character of verosika that i understood i was nonbinary! Thank you and you Morgan for being such vocal supporters for all of us!
i came into the fandom last year and while i was watching HB before then, in the 1 yr time i was in the fandom i've seen so many smear campaigns against her
worse is seeing people in the professional industry from voice actors buying into the supposed "horror stories" about how SH operates
It’s laughable because Twitter users and haters in general are so desperate in trying to end her career or accounts with 300K+ followers who incites harassment and lies to their followers
I absolutely guarantee it's the same people running that campaign that were behind this. Their obsession has become dangerous to others and themselves. I am certain they continue to do serious harm to not only trans people but also SA surviors by spreading misinformation.
I have a script that syncs the labels with the lists. It is unclear why it did not work in this case. Thank you for the notification. I have fixed this. Please forgive the unnecessary delay. 🧡
On a different point, could you open a Chat with me?
worse is seeing people in the professional industry from voice actors buying into the supposed "horror stories" about how SH operates
and shows how far people want to tear a person down.
give'em hell Morgana
Like Bug Enthusiast or Chai, I don’t get people 😭