Hello Dusty! My work jumps around a lot and I don't tend to stay in one place for long, I never really had a change of heart more so as I like to visit different ideas and character designs.
Demi and RENNEN are in no way a part of my past, but they will likely alter as time goes on as well.
i mean it's a bit appealing to the eye and the way the characters and the panel and the environment seem to merge and i like bluish shadows quite unique!
good job 👏
idk if it was supposed to be but this reminds me of a bit in va-11 hall-a with Sei. very similar line of reasoning (think it was a car crash and fire hydrant making rainbows)
most of the comments are "that's actually pretty cool" but me, as the simpleton mortal I am, I have to admit it gave me a cold feel.
Still cool tho that she feels good remembering her art piece.
She not wrong that sounds pretty cool and pretty
Just a bit curious of how your art style went from this to this what was the inspiration or the change of heart?
Demi and RENNEN are in no way a part of my past, but they will likely alter as time goes on as well.
good job 👏
Still cool tho that she feels good remembering her art piece.