Elon Musk tries regurgitating the promise of 20th century futurism, which remains impossible under the current U.S. system.
These guys will always have technological solutions for political problems.
These guys will always have technological solutions for political problems.
Reposted from
Lora Kolodny
Elon Musk held an "all hands" with Tesla employees and live-streamed it on X tonight. “What’s the most exciting future that you could possibly imagine?" he asked. “A future of abundance for all…. The future we’re headed for is one where you could literally just have anything you want...
Futurism is the watered down form that still taps into the religious belief that tech will save us.
Cheering is probably survival.
Or only the fellow fash show up
Also, the way any Musk-vision future is possible is through immense human suffering,needless death&destruction, a loss of integrity, the corruption of the heart&mind&soul of humanity,all hell bent towards sick&twisted idea of what matters
I had to keep re-iterating this over and over in the NFT/Crypto space. Y'all are trying to solve business/legal problems with technology and that's just not how it works.
We don't need tech. We already had the tech.
The fact that the board & major shareholders are dumping Tesla stock is what poker players refer to as a Tell 😀