If duty calls, he treats it like any other day and focuses on his work. If Eorzea is experiencing a moment of peace, he visits with the people of Gridania to help with the festivities, hand out gifts to the children, and repeatedly remind Yda those treats are for the KIDS, stop eating them all!
Reposted from
Mandie 🌠 Professional Daydreamer
I feel like asking a #WoLQotD today.
How does your WoL/OC spend the Starlight holiday season? Do they see family? Take time off from their duties as WoL or whatever they do? Do they celebrate Starlight or a different holiday?
If someone else has asked this please let me know so I can delete this.
How does your WoL/OC spend the Starlight holiday season? Do they see family? Take time off from their duties as WoL or whatever they do? Do they celebrate Starlight or a different holiday?
If someone else has asked this please let me know so I can delete this.