NEW: The NIH has begun terminating grants for active projects studying gender identity, DEI, environmental justice, climate change, among other topics.
At least 16 termination letters have already been sent — and hundreds more are coming, people inside NIH tell me.
At least 16 termination letters have already been sent — and hundreds more are coming, people inside NIH tell me.
But I guess the MAGAists feelings are more important than all that.
I guess we have to stop researching it and start using what we already know?
Here is is the boilerplate text to be used in letters to cancel trans and DEI research, and research in China.
The full docs are in the article.
“This is direct censorship of scientific research.”
"That itself is crazy, we’ve never 'unpublished' notices of award before," an NIH official tells me.
"Basically everything associated with these is considered a 'Category 1'," they say.