Unlike most councils, Birmingham runs a long-standing surplus on its DSG education funding account. But a dysfunctional, long-entrenched LA demand suppression culture has fused with the council’s wider financial meltdown
The Commissioner has been in Birmingham for three years, and (per DfE) has managed to alleviate just one of the LA’s 12 areas of significant weakness in its SEND services
The LA stopped publishing its improvement plan metrics 18 months ago
Local external scrutiny has been largely defanged: the SENDIAS service was eviscerated in 2022, depriving Brum’s poorest SEND families of support to challenge LA decisions
The local parent carer forum has lost its most robust champions (like Sabiha in the article)
He described the transport cuts as “challenging, but credible”
I doubt Tommy’s dad would agree: this is a withered sociopath’s concept of credibility
The LA stopped publishing its improvement plan metrics 18 months ago
The local parent carer forum has lost its most robust champions (like Sabiha in the article)