Love how coalition & media keep telling us how Labor, Greens & Teals r “working together” in an effort to make it sound dodgy.
What we ALL should b looking at is the “coalition” by its very name is a combination of 3 parties..
Liberals, LNP & Nationals..
Working duplicitously together for decades
What we ALL should b looking at is the “coalition” by its very name is a combination of 3 parties..
Liberals, LNP & Nationals..
Working duplicitously together for decades
If they weren't a coalition they would have a minority vote.
If Labor didn't hate on the Greens, they wld be a better block.
I also think Albo hates Bandt, and no-one likes Whish-Wilson 🤣
I'm not Greenie crustie btw, just my observation.
I got Whish-Wilson mixed up with Max Chandler-Mather - I'm having a brain fog day or 2! 🤦🏻
Geez 🙄
I’m not even sure what that means. It’s like a new-fangled pie-in-the-sky renewable oil 😬😂
That is how our government is supposed to work.
Working together for a better Australia.
Why would you point out on your resume that you don't work well with others??🤔🙃
Lnp/nat/acl stonewalling, scapegoating and deliberate red herrings is making us stagnate.
Rise of the ind. vote the impetus the political system needs to improve. All other aspects of our society have transformed in the last 20yrs
Dutton is one of the financed opposition leaders in Australian history.
Millions from the likes of Rinehart, Advance, Clive Palmer indirectly, IPA & so many of their donors and dark money it’s incalculable.