Democrats are not spineless they just don't believe in anything. The same goes for Republicans No war but class war. Fight only for your class and your comrades. It took 30 years for lenin to succeed in removing the czars and the oligarchy. We can't survive with capitalism
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This post is basically nothing for any visually impaired reader.
I dunno but ppl need to organize with an understanding that violence will probably end up being necessary. We cant keep doing this peaceful protest shit when things are this bad. We dont have time to keep waiting.
This to the highest degree. If you are unhappy with the stance your rep is taking make sure they know it everyday. Until they fix it or get out of the way for someone who will.
All Senators who voted Yes today
True. Even if they are yelling at you, it shows passion.
Our Representatives in congress should appreciate that their constituents are passionate about our democracy!
And they need to take that passion and use it to help make the USA stronger and better
Apparently we are at the stage of Republic they don’t need voters.
Trump told us that.
Why is this any surprise?
GOP Has a plan to avoid any losses by rigging the election.
10 security tips for protesting in the digital age
Full encryption on device
Remove fingerprint unlock
Erase all meta data
Install End to end encryption
Use a prepaid, disposable phone
Back up your data
Enable airplane mode
Use Cell 411
Turn off location services
Put phone on lockdown
Any us citizen that acts as part of Trumps thuggery by harassing, intimidating, illegally detaining, arresting peaceful protesters, punishing free speech is part of the terrorist infiltration and is an enemy of the people. You are US or you are THEM.
We the People MUST intensely remind OUR representatives THEY ALL work for & answer to US! They do as WE, their constituents, say! If not, they'll feel OUR wrath during the next election cycle. They need stop listening to the 1% & represent US! WE need to take back the power of our voice & vote! NOW!
Politicians these days are not much for serving their country nor their constituents. They would rather use their position to serve their own financial interests.
For too long these politicians Dems and Republicans alike, have been too complacent in their positions, thinking that we won't notice what they are doing, for a long time lots of folks didn't know what they've been doing.... Now their eyes are opening up! It's time to take back our of democracy!
Senators Murkowski and Sullivan, ensure that Trump has no plans to give Alaska back to Putin. Unite Democrats and Republicans to stand firm in protecting Alaska's future.
It’s perfectly clear that they no longer work for us that we are in this revolution on our own. We need to do walkouts boy concerts drastic measures. This is no longer. Let’s do this the right way.
The GOP don't give two shits about their constituents. They haven't for years. They don't even try to govern anymore. It's all just power grabs and grievance executive orders.
Congressional members of the #FascistGOP have been advised not to do town halls. It's almost as if they know they won't ever lose an election going forward. It's just show elections now, like in Russia. #TheResistance #Resist #VetsResist
They should be required to show what they’ve done for the people they supposedly represent! And if they ain’t passing things for Americans, they should be out! Plain and simple!! They work for US!
A challenger for every incumbent every election would go a long way toward better representation. Stop expecting party voters to vote the other party, GIVE THEM A PARTY CHOICE. No primary challengers is how we get lazy 90 y/o lifers. PRIMARY EVERYONE EVERY TIME. Get re-elected by DOING A GOOD JOB
And a hefty paycheck at that! This motherfukers should kiss the feet of their constituents, who got them where they are today if it wasn’t for them? Bet they don’t think of all the fucking perks it brings being at the top tier of humanity! Sons of bitches!
Yes. And constituents, and especially local media, need to continue hounding the cowardly members of Congress and the staff at their various offices who are hiding from their constituents, or starting to hold faux Zoom or tele-town halls which screen out all non-MAGAts from participation.
How many Underserved Veterans are preparing to run for/apply for opening seats and positions? I think they should reach out to leaders they admire or boards in places important to them and go for every spot. It is time to take out the waste incompetent corruption - The People
Our representatives vote to send our loved ones into battle. Now is their time to stand up and show their patriotism. Meet with their constituents even though Trump/Musk presidency is threatening them. They are our only voice in DC and if they are not brave enough to handle the job…VOTE THEM OUT!
Amen. They forget that in the initial election, they get corrupted by what more senior members tell them what to think and forget the people's perils that got them elected.
Are you just trolling or do you actually have anything to say that isn’t just nonsense and noise? You don’t really seem to have anything useful to say here. Perhaps I’m interpreting you wrong, but your stance is very hard to read…
Can we add to that that if you do not hire enough staff to answer your phones or at least clear your phone messages you do not belong in the Senate or Congress because you can’t handle basic staffing issues
Sorry for commenting here, can you donate to me or spread the GFM donation link for my family so we can reach the goal 🙏 We lost everything we had because of the war💔🥺؛.
Time to oust him, before he swallows you all up for the sake of his own personal gain and that of those cronies beside him.
Imagine a tesla at the WH-huge conflict of interest and no one cares!
Democrats are not spineless they just don't believe in anything. The same goes for Republicans No war but class war. Fight only for your class and your comrades. It took 30 years for lenin to succeed in removing the czars and the oligarchy. We can't survive with capitalism
Schumer 202-224-6542
Hassan 202-224-3324
Peters 202-224-6221
Durbin 202-224-2152
Schatz 202-224-3934
King 202-224-5344
Shaheen 202-224-2841
Fetterman 202-224-4254
Cortez-Masto 202-224-3642
Gillibrand 202-224-4451
Don’t let them forget it.
This post is basically nothing for any visually impaired reader.
Our Representatives in congress should appreciate that their constituents are passionate about our democracy!
And they need to take that passion and use it to help make the USA stronger and better
Trump told us that.
Why is this any surprise?
GOP Has a plan to avoid any losses by rigging the election.
Full encryption on device
Remove fingerprint unlock
Erase all meta data
Install End to end encryption
Use a prepaid, disposable phone
Back up your data
Enable airplane mode
Use Cell 411
Turn off location services
Put phone on lockdown
Our “representative” has lived full time in Virginia for decades.
In truth, there is no government to save.
MAGA have violently attacked our Capitol and filled our government with grifters & fascists.
If Democrats help MAGA out of this mess, we'll know America is dead.
The Government, including the rapist, is on YOUR payroll and works for YOU, not the other way around. All those being fired also work for YOU!
It's a numbers game, show them some BIG numbers!!!!
Loud enough that the media can't ignore!
45 said so himself.
plans to CAPITULATE to the Trump Regime & the GOP by supporting the dirty CR.
Call 202-224-6542 (direct) to tell Chuck what a sell-out coward he is. Call him over & over again. Keep calling.
#coward #CR #capitulate #resistance #indivisible #50501movement #spineless #protest
They have been elected for a term. It's now up to you to make sure that they don't get reelected. Now would be a good time to start.
representatives that do not represent us.
senators that do not represent us.
Trump does not represent us.
Elon does not represent us.
On the streets tomorrow, in their homes on the weekend.
That’s right, cuts on BOTH SIDES!!
No Kings
No Oligarch’s
No knee bending politicians to the above!
WE are the BOSS. Not them.