This kind of stuff is why I have sympathy for players even though they make a lot of money. Can you imagine your boss getting to decide that you have to move cities and uproot your family without even a little warning that something might be coming?
Sorry I do not have sympathy for anybody making this type of money. Do you have sympathy for the 20 people at my company that got laid off? This comes with being paid that amount of money and getting to do whatever the fuck your want in life. Cry me a fucking a river, we all live under Capitalism.
Now he can't get the supermax and he has to pay Cali state tax. He's losing millions for a trade he didn't ask for. Obviously he's not hurting for money, but losing millions is still losing millions.
I would rather live in California if I made millions. Why do people have to be so damn greedy. Why should you support a state economy that is so racist? Money really is more important than people it seems in the US. Which how Trump the liar is now the leader.