Welcome new follower influx!
This page wants to see a socialist transition away from capitalism & the creation of an economic democracy where those who do the work run the society.
When you see this account bashing 'Liberals' its not talking about you, its talking about the politicians you follow
This page wants to see a socialist transition away from capitalism & the creation of an economic democracy where those who do the work run the society.
When you see this account bashing 'Liberals' its not talking about you, its talking about the politicians you follow
Impeach his lack of understanding.
Remove his tiny sharpie-wielding hands from power.
Exile his orange glutton goose to his dick tater pops.
We the people remove him our way. Impeach today.
Tread on us? So far, we just play, away, every day.
They are frauds.
Drop the 'Liberal' label, join us.