What is it about getting rich off of one very specific thing that makes wealthy white tech bros think they're qualified to Do Politics and Policy
(Just kidding, we know what it is. It's them wanting to make even MORE money but knowing that would require tax rules and other regulations to change)
(Just kidding, we know what it is. It's them wanting to make even MORE money but knowing that would require tax rules and other regulations to change)
They got rich in a society that they think is unfair to them.
The worst people.
Because I'm guessing they will be.
I work in Canadian tech and these guys wouldn't know their ass from a hole in the ground when it comes to sound policy and managing political relationships.
Nothing but hubris and Dunning-Kruger all the way down.
Now that the work force is finally waking up the farce that we have been living through the upper class is now worried
Makes me long for the Balsillies and Lazaridises of tech, who definitely had egos, but kept out of far-right politics.
They can read code and once raised money in a VC round, so they believe themselves to be superior in every way.
It's like giving your TikTok-using kid control over your home finances cuz they know how to post short funny videos.
Seeing them sell out to Elon is pathetic and unsurprising. They are hollow men who stand for nothing.
Since money is the measure of all things in a capitalist system, those who have more of it are definitively “better” than the rest of us.
Plus, when you have so much, you’ve got so much more to lose…
They screw up All. The. Time.
They just pretend it’s “part of their process”
Dude - trial and error does not make you genius
Our politicians are so tech illiterate they lap it up.
That's how they act.
Right place right time
Luck has everything to do with all of their success- even if it’s just the luck of being born to the right family