What are Pierre Poilievre's conservatives so scared of?
Because they just announced they're breaking from decades of tradition and won't let media travel with them on the election campaign.
This is a huge blow to YOUR right to know what they get up to on the campaign trail.
Let's talk about it:
Because they just announced they're breaking from decades of tradition and won't let media travel with them on the election campaign.
This is a huge blow to YOUR right to know what they get up to on the campaign trail.
Let's talk about it:
PP can't be trusted. He's certainly not acting trustable.
It likely isn't.
No one can EVER fact-check a dictator.
End of story.
They are afraid he'll screw up
Thank you.
And his “no media in rallies.”
Intellectually, I know we can’t do this, but it is tempting to just say “if you don’t want coverage, you won’t get any coverage.”
If Canada doesn’t get this vote right, it will open nefarious doors they never knew existed. NONE of that would result in positive things for Canada.
He has a one-of-a-kind face and literally none of it is visible in their features.
I think is a clue to the security clearance thing.
With them doing a good job of sabotaging themselves, imagine the mess they would make of Canada with the current challenges.
Their absolute incompetence defies logic.
The conservatives do love a self-aggrandizing circle j3rk.
They must have heard. The CPC in front of a camera is their own worst. Lmao.
Gotta keep beating this guy down so all that's left is an apple core and a pair of glasses.
Assume lies will flood the zone.
That's the con way
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(He also claims that Trump wants the Liberals to win the election, so maybe Poilievre is drunk today.)
But he may be butt hurt. PP was boxed into a corner and had to say something bad about him.