We just had the first full day of the election campaign! How fun!
Would you believe me if I told you things are already impressively stupid?
We’ve got conspiracy dogwhistles. New flirtations with fresh disinfo ideas. Duelling tax cuts with unclear funding.
It’s going to be a long snap election:
Would you believe me if I told you things are already impressively stupid?
We’ve got conspiracy dogwhistles. New flirtations with fresh disinfo ideas. Duelling tax cuts with unclear funding.
It’s going to be a long snap election:
Taxes are FINE. Get the fucking capitalists leashed!
SUBSTACK: https://rachelgilmore.substack.com
PATREON: https://patreon.com/rachelgilmore
TWITCH: https://twitch.tv/rachel_gilmore
YOUTUBE: https://YouTube.com/@AtRachelGilmore
SPOTIFY: https://open.spotify.com/show/5uP73DlOq5hVf5zlPadObD?si=3e49f0a371734d55
APPLE PODCASTS: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/bubble-pop-with-rachel-gilmore/id1796286766