My son liked to kick a lot when I was in the bath. What does that mean?! Babies in the womb move more when the mother is still and moving rocks them to sleep, generally speaking. No gods involved
Yes, a fetus kicking in the womb always means it loves Jesus: and not that it really wants out of there. Then after it's born it immediately learns it better raise hands to praise God to appease a fervent family.
Well, Joanna, the most my daughter ever kicked in the womb was at a Barra MacNeils concert. If she responded thus to Celtic music, does that mean she’s destined to find the Loch Ness monster?
I'm sorry to bring you bad news. You are awaiting the birth of the Anti-Christ®. He is kicking in pain from any mentions of Christ®. For details, watch Rosemary's Baby
I once had a Evangelical Door to Door Xian tell me my child with special needs was a "punishment from god"
— Mimicry isn't devotion, but if it keep the kid from being whipped, by all means, believe it's love for Jayzus
....and did anyone else catch the 14 month old who can "sign" Jesus?
That *might* not be weird. Babies & kids with developmental speech delays can be taught to use simple sign language to communicate their needs before they learn to talk. Most learn a small, basic vocab: more, all done, help, etc.
Bringing down the average IQ of every room they walk into.
— Mimicry isn't devotion, but if it keep the kid from being whipped, by all means, believe it's love for Jayzus
....and did anyone else catch the 14 month old who can "sign" Jesus?
No idea why you’d bother teaching “Jesus” though…
Signed English sign for "More" , done by small hands, interpreted by delusional parents...
Although I thought "God", Ivermectin, and homemade nonGMO Granola prevented them from having kids with special needs
(I have two kids with Language disorders 😉)