~FFS! How much more of this are we going to take?
“Given this travel will be part of the premier’s advocacy in the U.S., the costs for the premier’s travel and accommodations will be covered by Alberta’s government.”
“Given this travel will be part of the premier’s advocacy in the U.S., the costs for the premier’s travel and accommodations will be covered by Alberta’s government.”
If she’s working with those who call for or promote the annexation of Canada and expecting Canadians to be happy about that, wow! Resign now!
What benefit will Albertans receive from this?
She’s lying to herself if she think we are ok with this.
5000 UCP voters do not a province make.
My other question would be if she’s being paid for this Florida gig?
#ableg #abpoli
Just wondering if the speaking engagement in Florida with the far right group is something she is getting paid for.
There’s not a single green flag with this one!! How has she not been ousted yet?