That’s exactly what it is.
But democrats haven’t had a legitimate primary since Obama and they didn’t even bother with the pretense of having one last year.
They’re in no position to talk.
that’s always been my suspicion…the felon is going to create a fake emergency or even and state he has to declare martial law….watch for it during primaries.
Some people think that his talks about pardoning Derek Chauvin is bait to get the African American community to do mass protests so he can have military unalive them and declare martial law.
What a bunch of cowards. They all together stopped town hall meetings or they just either walk out or don't show. They also say it's because they are filled with paid operatives and democrats. Don't democrats along with republicans live in their district?
Keep reminding them that they swore an oath to uphold The Constitution not fealty to The President. They work for the people, not The Oval Office. Remind them at every opportunity.
Donnie promised his miserable minions if they elected him they would never need to vote again. They all believe he has been coronated king. They really do. He is the second coming of Jesus. They believe.
It’s very clear that tRump envied Kim and Putin, he’s a dime store dictator and if he’s not stopped soon, he’ll get away with it turning the once proud land of the free into a suburb of Russia.
That's the scary thing. If somehow some Republicans could grow real spines and stand up, speak up to remove them enablers so that democracy can be restored.
I feel like Trump knows he won't make it the four years. Elon's too cooked to comprehend the consequences. Everyone else thinks they can shirk blame to the two of them.
This is one of my greatest fears.. not being able to vote again . And I don’t know if I will ever believe we will have an honest election.. this one was tampered with!
And what makes you think this misadministration cares about the Constitution? I guarantee you that trump's never read it. My prediction is that he'll declare martial law, under which the Constitution permits elections to be postponed.
Your message is another one I have seen repeated to the point that it is in danger of becoming a self-fulfilling prophesy.
That's a real thing that happens when people keep saying something bad will happen. They make it possible.
Our constitution doesn't depend on his recognizing it.
We are America.
I think we need to think of all the possibilities. I hope it doesn't happen, but I can only shudder when I recall his telling MAGA supporters that they'd never need to vote again.
Well then, if we can't vote them out (again), that leaves us with little option but to oust them the good old fashioned way. Which way do they want it? Stop lying cheating and stealing or they can let the people VOTE.
They aren’t governing at all .. not one bill .. not one law .. hell they’re still running on Pelosi’s budget.. can’t come up with one of their own .. just CRs .. continue as is.
Both parties have failed us. American politics will never be the same. The founding father’s gave us the second amendment for such a crisis. Ironic it’s been the darling of the people who now need to fear it.
They don't plan on anymore elections are you ready for it ??? It's coming who will make them and how ? Stop them now or face it later when it is critical
I think that's what they are planning and they are trying to blow things up as fast as they can. If that happens I expect states to bail out of the federal system and certainly not send them any money.
I’m not one for violence, but I wouldn’t snitch if I saw this. These assholes want disabled people dead. So I’ll have the same energy they have when they see and injured dog or starving child, the energy that makes them walk away because it’s not their problem.
Increase unemployment
Increase prices for basic needs (food, housing, etc.)
Create chaos
Violate laws and overwhelm the courts
Cut funding for critical services and benefits
Get opposition on the streets protesting
Infiltrate the protests with violent actors
Declare Martial Law
Suspend elections
But democrats haven’t had a legitimate primary since Obama and they didn’t even bother with the pretense of having one last year.
They’re in no position to talk.
Stop this process, before it’s too late! Get to the core and take back your country!
He said it out loud many times
That's a real thing that happens when people keep saying something bad will happen. They make it possible.
Our constitution doesn't depend on his recognizing it.
We are America.
Once we figure out how they manipulated the swing states they’ll be screwed! 😉
Or, maybe take in a Play
at Ford’s Theatre
Increase prices for basic needs (food, housing, etc.)
Create chaos
Violate laws and overwhelm the courts
Cut funding for critical services and benefits
Get opposition on the streets protesting
Infiltrate the protests with violent actors
Declare Martial Law
Suspend elections