True. I went to No Frills to get my heroin and crack, and they had the boxes turned so that the French text side was facing out, and I had to go through the whole aisle flipping boxes around trying to score. Also, what's up with all those guys with Uzis and gang tattoos at Dollarama?
Last week I was in Mexico, and showed everyone there this photo from my front door in Montreal. Judging by their reactions, no one in Mexico is eager to take over Canada. 🥶
He also said in the interview that 44lbs of fentanyl which is the total seized from Canada border....demands a trade war. Even though thousands of pounds of the stuff comes in through other entries
People look. This is no joke. I went out to the bird feeder this morning, and there was a MEXICAN DRUG CARTEL INSIDE IT. All the birdseed was gone! There were MEXICAN DRUG LORDS EVERYWHERE. And if they get inside our Canadian bird feeders, there's no place they can't go! Wake up!!
I think THE BEST thing Canadian officials can do - especially whenever they attend international meetings where the US is present - is speak exclusively in French.
The cartel personnel in their Montréal operation were placed under arrest by the Language Police for not giving French prominence on their signage and for the font size of the English component being too large.
We have a ‘cartel’ of home reno guys in our community. It’s one family’s home business but they employ a fairly significant workforce of other Mexicans, they do wonderful work, and they may be the reason we finally got good Mexican food in town. Is it them?!
They came equipped with space lasers and were eating cat sandwiches. Huge drug push northern border this month.Ketomine Ken probably snorted more yesterday than has been flowing into the country in years. The hypocrisy is truly over the top.Navarro is an arrow with no feathers and talks out his ass.
I would tell you that Navarro is the stupidest person in the trump administration, but the competition is so steep, it is impossible to say whether there is someone even more stupid. They need to have a competition so we can all vote on it, like American Idol. This would be American Dumbass.
Hold on now, maybe we can work something out with the Sina Loa, if we make español an official language? Maybe Orange would think twice about annexing us?
"¿Que qué? ¡Mano, el gringo quiere un yogurt!"
"Comment ? On n'est pas un "gringo", je suis canadien !"
"¡Y un yeso también, dizque se partió la cabeza y está sangrando!"
"Partir ? Bon, si vous allez partir, moi aussi. Au revoir !"
"¡Y unas sales para... épale, a dónde va?"
This is quite funny, but in reality the cartels would probably adapt and learn french faster and quicker than a lot of ROC orgs in Quebec. They may have already actually. :)
Poor souls.
Believe me.
Este frío y la nieve son una mierda, me voy a volver a México.
They’re looking at 25 to life! 😂
I heard trump is going to amend his executive order making English the official language of the US to call it American instead
I bet it was also listed as "Fiction"
"¿Que qué? ¡Mano, el gringo quiere un yogurt!"
"Comment ? On n'est pas un "gringo", je suis canadien !"
"¡Y un yeso también, dizque se partió la cabeza y está sangrando!"
"Partir ? Bon, si vous allez partir, moi aussi. Au revoir !"
"¡Y unas sales para... épale, a dónde va?"