10. Jak II (PS2)
Tonal shift aside, it's still got the spirit. Jak still plays the same but has new toys to play with that work in tandem with his old moves. Strong story that, despite popular opinion, still builds off of what came before in a narratively satisfying way.
Tonal shift aside, it's still got the spirit. Jak still plays the same but has new toys to play with that work in tandem with his old moves. Strong story that, despite popular opinion, still builds off of what came before in a narratively satisfying way.
I am astounded at how big this game is, just looking at the scope and the main storyline. Of COURSE this was a phenomenon when in came out in Japan. By 1988 Famicom standards this is INSANE!
A fun adventure, an absolute classic.
I can see why this adaptation of The Eltingville Club wasn't picked up, even when a show centered on geek culture was novel. It's incredibly meanspirited and just unpleasant to watch. Didn't make me want to read the comic, either.
Not at all subtle with its stance against Reaganomics and anti-capitalist themes, but why should it be? It knows what it is and isn't pretending it isn't John Carpenter lashing out at the consumerist culture that strips people of their humanity.
Watch it. Now.
A cerebral take on the character focusing on inter-generational trauma, complete with creative editing that bounces back and forth between clever and playful. And some of the imagery--the fight in the storm clouds!--is nothing short of wondrous.
Over hated and misunderstood.
There's very little to say about it other than Buck Cluck knew he wasn't doing a great job but was still trying his best. He was no malicious, but that doesn't mean you have to like him.
Other than that it's just okay.
Thanks @khguides.com for the watch party!
A solid action game with a decent amount of fun weapons. Themes of corporate greed so on the nose they caved in my face. Clank is a funny little guy, Ratchet was a dick. Heard he gets better in the sequels.