I.Q Final Perfect Music File (Takayuki Hattori):
It feels the composer for this simple puzzle game (Intelligent Qube) got a completely different memo, but it did result in a great soundtrack.
It feels the composer for this simple puzzle game (Intelligent Qube) got a completely different memo, but it did result in a great soundtrack.
One of my favourite movies ever made, which got introduced to me at a young age because my parents loved it so much. So it has a special place in my heart. I always get very happy hearing this music :)
Fun fact: Ernest Gold is the father of Andrew Gold
A very varied soundtrack with a lot of different sounds and songs. The first season was pretty great and I still don't know why they hired a different composer for the subsequent seasons.
This series is one I saw as a young kid and had a big impact on me. Coming from the mind of Gerry Anderson when think about how to possibly save people from a collapsed mine, this series took the world by storm in the 60s.
Since it's John Williams' birthday today, I think it's appropriate to post one of my favourite movies in this thread.
What I like about this soundtrack is how a wide variaty of different styles of music work really well together, but that's something Yoko Kanno has been very good at for a long time.
Second of the Dollars trilogy, I feel the use of the music box in this movie might have inspired the music box in POTC Dead Man's Chest.