The Republican Budget proposal rescinds all funds for the Cooperative Threat Reduction Program. The CTR Program works with partner governments to reduce the threat to the U.S. and its allies from WMD and related materials, technologies, and expertise, including delivery systems and infrastructure.
National Health Service Corps, and teaching health centers that operate GME programs
Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2003, and Loan Guarantees to Israel that I want to dig into deeper later. Just posting this as a reminder to myself to read up on that.
There's an earmark for an access road in Arlington Cemetery and the renovation of the Sheridan Building at the Armed
Forces Retirement Home
No obvious cuts to the VA that I can see yet
Services Administration
$40,011,000 cut from Administration for Children and Families
$29,268,000 cut from Administration for Community Living—Aging and Disability Services Programs
$107,834,000 cut from the Department of Labor—Employment and Training Administration—Training and
Employment Services
$890,788,000 cut from Department of Health and Human Services—Health Resources and Services Administration—HRSA-Wide Activities and Program Support
$770,000,000 added to Northwestern New Mexico Rural Water Projects Act
$11,000,000 added to the Secret Service Budget
$150,000 cut from the Bureau of Land Management
Cut $353,467,00 from the Chemical Agents and Munitions Destruction