So I don’t drive, but like - pls don’t honk other drivers if you don’t absolutely need to.
Someone honked my husband while he was trying to exit the carpark, spooked him, and he forwarded into a barrier.
So now I am looking at a $3k bill for bodywork coz someone couldn’t wait another 15s 😢
Someone honked my husband while he was trying to exit the carpark, spooked him, and he forwarded into a barrier.
So now I am looking at a $3k bill for bodywork coz someone couldn’t wait another 15s 😢
Really fucking scary.
And I’ve been in 3 accidents. All of them rear ended by other drivers not paying attention. Cars are horribly unsafe, and not everybody is a good driver.
And now having my baby in the back seat, brings on a whole new set of worries and I hate it.
I always think it would be so nice to live in a place with great public transit.
Sorry for your stresses now, that’s not a fun feeling. 😮💨
Really sorry for that now sudden cost for the car.
But man. We just got the car. My husband is still getting used to driving again (he hasn’t driven for years).
I ugly cried for 2 days.
All coz someone assumed everyone knows how to get out of an underground carpark pronto.
Sorry Sygnin 😥
I'm glad no one was hurt, but yeah—there's very few reasons to use the horn.