I enjoyed the characters well enough and I liked that they delved back into classic monster Hunter lore regarding the world
Plus it was all worth it for that final line before the last story hunt, that shit will live in my head for a little bit
If only you weren't locked in cutscenes and slow walking following NPCs yapping for forever 😭😭😭 Im starting to resent the story just bc it takes away character control and exploring and agency
Really wanna play this game but I play on PC and it’s apparently a shit show now. Gonna wait a bit for patches. Don’t wanna risk spending 90 dollars on a game that doesn’t work.
I am dying to play Wilds but I'm too scared of turning my GPU into a hot dog, I don't even know if my Graphics card can take the power and I'm too afraid
The forced walk-and-talks weren't so bad for me ( yet to reach high rank so we'll see ) unless they took away my slinger and forced me to stop grabbing plants as I meandered down the way.
As a veteran hunter, I think this the best story ever came from MH series , could be a bit harder for low ranks yes , and the walk & talk not the best but it's fine , overall I enjoyed it very much 👌🏼
Yeah I think the story is pretty decent this time around, but I agree I wish they would have set it up like past versions where the multiplayer hub was a separate thing.
It's crazy how many ppl hate it and just wanna get to the hunt, it's actually kinda decent! I think they fumbled the end a lil bit, but I still enjoyed it
That's kinda my take. I thought I was seeing an invasive species parallel between us hunters and the guardians. I also thought Alma's guild authorizations were getting a bit too self-serving with less regard for the ecosystem. It also just feels lame the solution at the end was just to hit it hard
I think if the final monster had more build up it would've been better, and with arkvwld, I wish we saw a scene of him like, chilling. Something to show him being kinda sane, not straight to insane, so give natas care a bit more oomf
I absolutely love the characterization of the hunter tho
I like the story as a lore nut, probably the best since 4U for the main games, but I just wish they integrated it different so it didn’t feel so intrusive for trying to hunt with friends.
I just don’t understand why they can’t just sync story progress for players that start around the same time.
i’m not a veteran, World was my first MH game, and so far i dislike nothing about Wilds besides the PC performance issues. i actually think the story and interactions between the characters are pretty great and wholesome, and the monsters are all fun to fight, even at the lowest ranks.
The story isn't bad I just don't like the game pouring a scalding ladle of plot between my legs that I have to deal with every other mission before my friends in the lobby can hunt with me because the plot advancement npc is also the group quest poster
I finished all of Low Rank and the story is honestly really great. It's clearly more about Nata than anyone else but i dig it. I like the idea of the player being a role model to other NPCs, really makes you feel like the cool series veteran
(1/2)Okay, I'll be vague, but the player charter is really a foil to everyone's story. Alma stepping out to an unfamiliar role, Gemma dealing with feelings of being an adult now that has to be a role model, and Nata having to make a choice to stop his people's actions to move forward.
(2/2) So the final choice your character makes is them moving past their past life as a wandering solo hunter for the betterment of their new found family, as a role mold Nata, a brave face for Alma, and an Adult making hard calls for those around them.
Yeah! And i think it works really well. I understand that monhun is for hunting monsters, but I loved the narrative of this game. That cutscene at the end of the final LR hunt gave me *chills* because of how well set-up it was
I didn't like the story till Azuz, started getting interesting. Still way too railroad-y for me, I'd like to be able to just do my own thing or skip it entirely.
Game crashes on launch for me now so I can't even play it anymore anyway so guess I wait for a patch to see how this story goes.
It's alright! It got very JRPG tropey near the end, and I didn't like how it felt like every single time we set out to hunt [flagship monster] we got ambushed by a different monster instead
It's hard to appreciate the story when goddamn 50% of the playtime of low rank is cutscenes. It just poisons the player against it when it keeps pulling you out of the game incessantly
Aside from the constant RP walking it wasn't bad! Too bad I don't generally care for stories where the emotional core of the story is a child doing "I'm 14 and this is deep" style character development.
I feel I still would have liked Nata more if the story hadn't insisted upon itself so much.
I have 0 problems with the story, it's the constant repeat pattern of fuggin "Disney's Jungle Cruise on a Bird" tours between locations. Just...let me explore organically, fam. I'll get to the next story beat on my own thanks.
I am also nit finished yet. Relax. Dont let them stress you. I went at it like this. I see a monster? It bleeds? It dies. Im an endemic catastrophe. Because its funny
god i wish i knew, on my end im taking my time enjoying the story (and if i may also join in on the bandwagon of people of the too-many-walk-n-talk segments in said story) dont get me wrong i love it to bits and allows me to breathe but capcom couldve atleast made it an option and not a requirement
im taking every oppurtunity to finish side quests and catching endemic life, thank god i havent run into any bad technical issues aside from entering the woods for the first time, stutter hell til it loaded into base camp
The reason a bunch of people are talking about it is over the last 5(6?) generations they every once in a while tickle the audience's balls with a sprinkle of lore, or hints to the past setting, so this is the first time they've given a big dose of background lore in a long while.
The jump between World and Rise confused the heck out of me, expecting a continuous story between games and going "damn our New World expedition got hit so hard it was sent back to feudal Japan."
It's very on rails at times and I just want to go out and farm materials but nope, not allowed to leave the camp until I continue the quest. Also I heard that story pretty much doesn't exist in HR?
I really enjoy the game, but am very confused with the lack of side quests, and how frustrating it is to get anymore in high rank. Story was fun tho lol
Definitely the best low rank experience I’ve had - I do agree with the walk and talks being overused though. More of the “you have free reign and a clear objective and we’ll chat on the way so you can choose between beelining and missing dialogue or gather and hear it” style would’ve been great.
Yoooo seriously! I was definitely offput at first because theyve never done such a cinematic experience for the series and it felt way too constricting, but man did they do a good job for taking such a bit risk
The story focus has its pros and cons: different, but not worse nor better.
But I do hope the team takes the best parts of the story aspect of wilds and incorporates them into a more traditionally structured MH game. Bringing in more wild (hee) surprises during story missions and such
I finished it and I think it’s alright. I prefer World story more. Which is saying a lot. I just didn’t like the more serious tone for Wilds. I like more goofy stories for the franchise. Also I just don’t like my character speaking. It’s more a personal thing. I’d rather they be a silent protagonist
as a vet it made me really happy to see a proper story that pulls together and sets a lot of world building.
also being a character that actually talks is sick
I am still hyped about how they are finally touching/updating on the ancient civilization stuff for the first time in a *while* and it's key to the plot (hope we get more Great Dragon War horrifying/Geneva Suggestions weapons to fight against in the future)
I think that Low Rank over all feels like I'm playing a character in a super narrative heavy RPG. Like almost FF 14 levels of "COME MONSTER HUNTER OF LIGHT! SLAY THE NEXT PRIMAL!" and it does suck sometimes but once I realized Low Rank is just a super long cutscene to get to high rank it was better.
Kid runs off all the time yes. I had the urge to use the thingy you use to get stuff to pull him back. I have been using that since mh world and still dont know the name. I think its hook claw?
Right? It feels like they took 1 step forward with linking environments with your friends; but 6 steps back with how we can't co-op the story without being separated till we can join each other, then one of us has to leave a mission, join the other, and then separate again
This is my first monster hunter game. The story is fine, but not good enough to be as demanding as it is, pulling me out of the core world state every other mission before I can go back to just exploring. But I also haven’t finished it yet
I can imagine mostly cause the monster hunter series for the most part was light on story. (I mean there is story but it was mostly Text or little scenes)
I'm NOT playing Monster Hunter for the story. Pretty neutral on Wilds story so far, but I hate the forced-walk parts as well as the multiplayer being so awkward you can't really play the story together without major hassle.
Not opposed to the story, opposed to the rails. And this one's coming from a Final Fantasy XIII diehard, you'd think I'd be fine with rails, but the moment you start actually pulling the controls out of my hand I've got beef. Just let me get the mining node...!
The writing should be better when there's so much focus, but it's inoffensive at worst and thematically sticks the landing on respecting and maintaining the ecosystem.
Plus you can usually go hunt normally, but I think some just won't if there isn't a list telling them to tick these things off.
Also find it weird how angry the walking sections make people when they barely last 30 seconds. If anything the writing suffers cause it keeps all story segments so short. I think some people antagonise themselves by resisting what the game is doing so hard.
I feel this as well, the walk segments are plentiful, but not long at all. Like sheesh, take the time to grapple a million resources within your hunter's zipcode as you walk.
Straight up spending all of those walking sessions just spinning the camera and saying "yoink" every time I could clutch claw something into my grubby little hands was the perfect way to handle exposition.
I don't hate the walk and talks, but getting three in a row is frustrating purely because I'm excited and want to get to exploring a new area or fighting the new iguana I just saw.
Plus it was all worth it for that final line before the last story hunt, that shit will live in my head for a little bit
And, to a degree, the cinema of it was good
But it doesn't play well to what Monster Hunter is good at
I'd almost rather have more DLCs in the future that are stories like this
Give us our normal nobody hunter experience, get into the world, then drop the "fight Gore on the ship" event to up the ante
Fighting Wu'Jiva at the end of low rank is weird when we haven't really conquered anything yet
Once you are high-rank, the game lets you go at your own pace with less cinematics and more optional quests.
I almost felt like low rank was more of a tutorial/ introduction for the game
I absolutely love the characterization of the hunter tho
I really enjoyed myself :D!
I just don’t understand why they can’t just sync story progress for players that start around the same time.
I am still enjoying it though.
Game crashes on launch for me now so I can't even play it anymore anyway so guess I wait for a patch to see how this story goes.
I feel I still would have liked Nata more if the story hadn't insisted upon itself so much.
and then I was invested.
First of all that's an insane thing to make as your first observation.
Second of all, why do I hear John William's orchestration?
Rise was like this too, but not as well done.
The jump between World and Rise confused the heck out of me, expecting a continuous story between games and going "damn our New World expedition got hit so hard it was sent back to feudal Japan."
But I do hope the team takes the best parts of the story aspect of wilds and incorporates them into a more traditionally structured MH game. Bringing in more wild (hee) surprises during story missions and such
The future of monhun is looking bright :3
If I’m gonna have to slowly ride my seikret in the title updates/dlc I’m gonna scream.
also being a character that actually talks is sick
(So sad the performance problems makes it hard to play cause aaaaaahhhh its guuud)
Plus you can usually go hunt normally, but I think some just won't if there isn't a list telling them to tick these things off.