But it's not true that most of you love us. 68% of eligible voters approved of this by either voting for Trump or not voting. So, while I appreciate that a significant percentage of this website may be on our side, the vast majority of the US is not.
I can’t speak for those who chose not to vote, and I can’t rationalize why others voted for him. I have MAGAs in my family. I have tried to sway them with facts. Most of them can’t be bothered. I’d say most of us who didn’t want this, have tried to change the minds of those who did.
I understand and appreciate that and there is no changing their minds because of the cult-like hold trump has on them. You are, unfortunately, wasting your time. The irony is that most of trump's non-wealthy base is going to be hurt the most by what he and musk are doing.
And please know that we get it. Honestly though I’ve never seen the appeal for a Trump second term after seeing his act the first time. The guy is trouble for everyone.🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦
Yeah but 31% did and 37% decided not to vote. We are up against an American ignorant majority. Your government is going to make you the most hated people in the world.
This isn’t about citizens of our country at war with each other. It’s one man, in checked , creating his vision of the men he is jealous of ….. like Putin. We love our neighbours. Your current leader …. Not so much
Sure .. you don't like him because he is not allowing your weirdo country to abuse us economically .. u don't even have an army .. your economy is 75%-100% depending on America .. parasites .. lazy weirdos
I’m not into hate. If you want to have an honest fact based debate. Let’s rock and roll. Calling me names and making up stats seems like a familiar calling card. Don’t make it true.
Making up .. 😂 .. be careful with what you wish for .. it seems you do ur homework late .. after starting a debate .. it should be done before .. Why will a whole Country with its prime minister and King now be crying over 25% economic tariffs .. escalating it to the point they call it a fight?
And we love you and don’t blame you. We are horrified for you and alongside you. What the orange felon does is not representative of more than half of you. ;(
The orange fellow who made a whole country of grown ups cry over 25% tarrifs 😂 .. while he's golfing .. have a life and stop milking America economical and militarily .. Canadians are lazy losers weirdos ..
I think that fueling the hate needs to be clear. The people are our friends and allies and enemy and he is hurting you. It’s so unfair. But more hate won’t help it.