Any tips for taking advantage of Bluesky's lesser-known features?
For example I didn’t know about moderation lists at first or that you can subscribe to someone else's moderation list to automatically auto-block their blocks.
For example I didn’t know about moderation lists at first or that you can subscribe to someone else's moderation list to automatically auto-block their blocks.
Is doing this.
The moderation lists are a mixed bag. They can be awesome, or a curse. The problem is this:
On X, you were notified if you were put on a list. You could remove yourself from it. You could block (cont)
None of this is on Bluesky. Anyone can list you for anything they want; "Pedo", MAGA, Nazi, anthing. You have no recourse. You can complain to to have it removed, but honestly, I've never heard of that happening for anyone. (cont)
My personal recommendations when using a blocklist:
1.) Subscribe to the list in "mute mode" first. (cont)
2.) Always scroll through the list first to make sure it is legit. Some MAGAts will create a "MAGAt (cont)
That's a lot of words. Ask another question and I'll answer tomorrow.
Because BlueSky is the Free Speech platform?