"Hypothesis: The version of H5N1 circulating in the U.S., the clade, is inherently less dangerous to people"
- farmworkers are healthy & fit young men
- constantly #H5N1 exposure will develop an immunity wall
- when the wall collapses all of society gets hit hard
- farmworkers are healthy & fit young men
- constantly #H5N1 exposure will develop an immunity wall
- when the wall collapses all of society gets hit hard
Many suggest the Spanish Flu originated in swine farms in the US and "once the wall of immunity broke" then it hit everyone else really hard.
SARS-CoV is not just a flu.
Surprise twist, the flu is also not just the flu.
That immunity itself doesn't fall, so much as the wall can no longer hold back the pressure. How the pressure builds is increased contacts with the virus allowing human-to-human transmission.
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