Very cool to see this initiative coming along. I'm very supportive of this idea and think it's much needed. Thank you to everyone working on it.
That said, I couldn't find one major part what I'm mostly using schemas for besides of decoding/parsing data: Encoding/serializing data.
That said, I couldn't find one major part what I'm mostly using schemas for besides of decoding/parsing data: Encoding/serializing data.
In TypeScript: Effect Schema
Solving real-world problems (e.g. custom data serialization) and pursuing solid engineering practices (e.g. designing for efficiency and edge cases) are more important than biasing towards current "popularity".
Lots to learn from other ecosystems (e.g. Rust).
> A standard interface for TypeScript schema validation libraries
Based on this official tagline of the project, I understand that your intended scope only entails data validation.