I went after her at a sprint, yelling her name, but I think the combination of my yelling and the plastic doggy bag holder dragging behind her spooked her enough to keep running. I chased her at a full sprint and she just kept making distance on me.
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Down the hill, up a few blocks, through a neighbor’s backyard, and as I round a corner after losing sight of her, I see her across a meadow disappearing down a gravel trail. I follow at top speed, round a corner to a t in the trail and can’t see which way she went.
I ran up and down both avenues, knowing that the longer she’s away, the bigger the search radius gets. Tammy shows up in the car, I explain what’s going on and she takes me back the house to get the other vehicle and we start driving the neighborhood looking.
I spotted her again and jumped out with treats, but she takes off again and even with a car I can’t keep up and see where she goes. Tammy and I park and start canvassing on foot with headlamps and flashlights, up and down hills, through yards, and finally at 10pm we call it.
Tammy makes fliers and posts on all the sites, also registering her chip as lost. I set up dog beds on the porch and patio in the off chance the she’ll come home. I collapse on the couch, hoping for the best and try to get some sleep.
Every noise has me on alert and I’m checking the beds over and over. At about 1am I hear something out back, but it’s only raccoons playing with the dog bed out back. I finally fall asleep with no luck at about 3am.
My alarm goes off in the morning and I groggily get up and check the porch bed. No dog. I check the patio bed. There’s something in it and I think it’s something the raccoons did. But, no. There’s Junebug, curled up and asleep. With her leash still attached and the handle sheered off.