Are we past the point where “peaceful protests” can make any real difference? I think we are. If you disagree, explain how a peaceful protest is supposed to change anything when the wealthiest elite control all the power, money, and influence. I’m listening.


We need another occupy, as we did with the Harper/Harris regime.
The only way to show the oligarch class out the door is to do something radical. National work and consumer walk out- nobody goes to work or consumes anything made by the Oligarch class. Means going ludite and I suspect a message will be sent. Better to lose the consumer/working class on our terms.
For instance- i personally will be dropping Fire/Amazon Prime on Jan 20th… imagine if we all did that…Fuck Bezos Day.
That would be epic! But let’s be real — it’d only be us on the left taking action. The right wouldn’t budge, and the non-political crowd wouldn’t care. Still, cutting off the oligarchs’ cash flow is probably the best place to start.
Just wagering a guess, using federal taxes as the basis for my thought process- if I had to guess, blue states/libs are the ones who make billionaires the money and will be the ones who could maintain those subscriptions and usage longer than red states- it would be significant if we went uber local
The only way to make a dent is a general strike. We need one in Ontario to get rid of #dougfordiscorrupt.
I mean... any other nation outside the western 'developed' nations would have rioted, revolted, and killed more than one CEO to an insurance company. Sri Lanka did it just a few years ago. What does violence solve? We got to figure something out because the French solution for Louis XVI is coming
That’s how I see it.
How many people actually comprehend the issues of the French revolution? It gave us the printing press propaganda, the power of slogans and misinformation. The results of mob rule and the sheep minded violence that ensues. I don't see these as good things. The elites suck, but there has to be better
Cont. options for change. We aren't learning from the past we just keep repeating it. With each cycle the cost of the bill is so much higher because the table ordered more crap to spread around. The ethics behind change require us to do better than burning Rome!
If AI becomes sentient and doesn’t kill us, it might just be the tool we need to manage resources, people, and progress worldwide. It sounds fantastical, but honestly, what else could solve the growing disparity?
🤓 oh I can nerd out on AI for awhile idnyou like. My LinkedIn is tired of hearing from me.
The issues with AI is it has the potential to do all we want. But it's not being decentralized. The elites hold the keys to the AI chastity belt. So when we get F#$%ed buy the AI it'll be the elite who let it
I don’t know what else there is. But yeah, none of this is good.
Sorry, my dude. You don't deserve my ranting or pitchforks. I donagree with you we need to find and promote something where the greater good of all is considered not just those of means to keep the haves separated from the have nots.
Well, I hope someone figures something out real soon because fascism is now on our door step.
I was working when PSAC and PIPS went on strike. I was exempt from both. PSAC lasted quite awhile. PIPS who are the professional Union were ordered back to work. No one wins with the protests.Most if not every time, they loose money. A strike is a peaceful protest, The cops were called in for one.
I tend to agree - and peaceful protests that seem to have any chance of making a difference are promptly turned into (or held up as) violent ones by agitators and authorities so they can break them up (e.g., pro-Palestine etc.). Revolution may be all that’s left 🤷‍♀️
That’s how it’s beginning to feel.
I think malicious compliance can be a non-violent option that should be explored more. I'm not that knowledgeable in anything, but it feels like a decent enough long term type of protest. It is a bit of a judgment call on if it'd be effective in any way.
If it made a difference we wouldn't need to be protesting so much.
No kidding!
Media doesn’t even bother reporting, likely paid not to.
The postal strike got the workers nowhere ...a strike is basically a protest...
If you look what happened in BC recently, with Fairy Creek. that was peaceful direct action and it's been announced that Fairy creek will be protected (exactly how remains to be announced once government consults with First Nations) its not the win for all old growth but definitely a win.
I don't know the specifics around the Greenbelt in Ontario, but did that not resolve itself with pressure from citizens protesting, writing letters, standing up etc?
Sort of, but 0 accountability means there is still some dirty business but it’s now better hidden from the public.