Sure, I guess this is bad. But, why is it not government toppling when: they give themselves raises while our costs go up, they severely cut public education funding, restrict post-secondary research funds pending a political review to see if they are in Alberta's interests, drag their feet...
on healthcare, undermine civic elections, make highly political appointments to boards, stifle federal dental plan, misallocate medication money re: purchase from Turkey, put HARPER in charge of our pensions, attack Trans kids, reneg on a tax cut commitment, cut money to disability organizations,
increase funding to charter schools, waste taxpayer funds on a vaccine report rife with disinformation, attack alternative energy and economic diversification, waste taxpayer funds of ass-kissing trips to Trumpland...Wait, lets go back: PUT FUCKING HARPER IN CHARGE OF OUR PENSIONS!!!
All of that isn't government toppling because one of the central features of successful politics in Alberta is giving the populace an excuse to whine and hate. We turn a blind eye to prov. gov. incompetence as long as we can keep up our gripes about the evil fed. gov.
Even though the UCP hates us,
we have no problem with a prov. gov. that acts against our interests and subverts helpful federal initiatives, as long as the media and the gov. put all responsibility for a failing province onto the feds and conservative talking points are assumed to be fact.
Us Albertans love our home grown whine.
Allegedly, Smith's staff pressured health officials to approve over half a billion dollars in private health care contracts to a businessman who bought them seats in NHL luxury boxes in return for the favour. Then Smith fired a CEO who tried to investigate.
Probably nothing to be seen on the shenanigans that are the Calgary Green Line though. Devin seems like an upstanding sort and his dozen (lifetime)visits to downtown Calgary will have undoubtedly given enough familiarity to provide his “expert” opinion.
Coal mining…Jasper…Alta pension…
We don't even have the full story yet. They're poor negotiators, but not even they would buy hockey tickets for half a billion dollars. There's more quo to go with that quid.
I hope the net they cast is wide in this investigation, like don’t let go of the time that Shandro was an embodied telehealth advertisement… wonder why??
The UCP MLAs who sit in the #ableg today were specifically chosen for their lack of moral compass
If they continue to support Smith no matter what, how will the UCP be toppled?
That's the underlying problem caused by voting conservative no matter who
It welcomes corruption
Politicians, on the whole, have mastered the skill of changing the channel when they "get caught." With the public attention span is so short, all the politicians need is another shiny object to distract/attract for a short period, then the original "issue" goes away.
I enjoyed this post, but I think the Senate expenses scandal fits uneasily in your list. It didn't have consequences for the gov't, but wasn't really a 'gov't scandal', it wasn't tied to the gov't as with most of the others on your list. But it *did* resonate with the public... 1/n
The Senate hit all-time lows in polls, with one showing something like 13% support for the status quo. In that sense this was a scandal that hit quite hard, just not electorally because, I think, Canadians intuitively recognize the Senate is more arms length from the gov't of the day. 2/2
Also, wasn’t the “overpriced orange juice” Bev Oda in the commons? An MP of such ethical contempt that I’m still amazed she lasted the exact six years to vest her pension before rapidly retiring/resigning.
She basically said that a couple months ago. Said the first thing she did was fire Dr Hinshaw and the AHS board and she was surprised no one stopped her. So she continued and now she has reached this level of corruption.
She's The Queen now - nothing we can do. I think we should ask Romana Didulo to help with this problem, because you can't have two queens in one nation.
Even though the UCP hates us,
Us Albertans love our home grown whine.
Coal mining…Jasper…Alta pension…
And not even Danielle Smith can explain this in a way that’s not extremely bad.
Use this.
The UCP MLAs who sit in the #ableg today were specifically chosen for their lack of moral compass
If they continue to support Smith no matter what, how will the UCP be toppled?
That's the underlying problem caused by voting conservative no matter who
It welcomes corruption
So much grift - it's shocking.
Trudeau in blackface would more likely endear him to Con voters, not alienate or motivate them against him.