His indigo eyes take note of her physical appearance. Nothing like anything he has witnessed before. Something regal, and elegant stopping the youth. A expression of confusion.
“That’s interesting. May I ask how you turned up in our modern era? It’s clear based on your clothing, that you’re not from here. You give off this wordly presence.”
Gait stable, Amethio takes a seat on a chair nearby. “Sit, please.” Hand motions to the other chair across from him.
She is not so stiff, but retains tactful precaution sufficing enough to relent and sit when bid to. Not out of an obliged sense of obedience so much as diplomatic approach.
"? A keen eye indeed, you are correct. I am not of this era, but beckoned across time for a purpose."
drift to settle over her lap into a simple fold. No ounce of her dress suffers any wrinkling. She remains upright, gaze tracking her surroundings in finding them unfamiliar.
"What that purpose may be, depends on several criteria. By class designation, I am Saber. Who might you be?"
Saber’s clothing not from his era of time.
Gait stable, Amethio takes a seat on a chair nearby. “Sit, please.” Hand motions to the other chair across from him.
"? A keen eye indeed, you are correct. I am not of this era, but beckoned across time for a purpose."
Gauntleted hands
"What that purpose may be, depends on several criteria. By class designation, I am Saber. Who might you be?"