I actually like this game. The on-foot levels were the best, IMO.
If they do make a new Star Fox game with on-foot stages, they should at least try to make them like Sin and Punishment to keep the on-rail aesthetic that the series is known for.
gotta try it, absolutely loved Star Fox 64 and already got to beat the first two from the SNES, not gonna lie, those suck a bit, the SNES does agonize a bit while playing those.
Apparently this one is really different but who cares i'm playing this one as well
It's definitely a bit more complex due to the fact that there's an emphasis on the on-foot shooting gameplay. But honestly, they did a great job with it, and it's especially felt on the amazing multiplayer mode.
I wish it had more on-rails levels, but it's a ton of fun! Beauty of a game with lots of neat little details. And the best multiplayer the series has ever had.
I vaguely remember in the 2010's, this game being looked down upon because it was too different from what Star Fox "should be" or whatever, but I might be misremembering. Anyone else can vouch if that happened or if I'm just crazy?
The main complaint as far as I remember was the difference in quality between the “normal” StarFox stages - on rails, 60fps and all - and the rest of the game where it was kind of a drop. Also the lack of branching paths through the game were a complaint had against it.
Based star fox assault praise on my TL 🙏 I remember reviewers saying the flight stages were great, but disappointed the whole game wasn't that. Replayed it recently and idc that it's "not star fox" because it IS fun AF.
If they do make a new Star Fox game with on-foot stages, they should at least try to make them like Sin and Punishment to keep the on-rail aesthetic that the series is known for.
Apparently this one is really different but who cares i'm playing this one as well
it has the funny space fox