me: "we call Bella Belloq when she's being naughty. you know, like the bad guy in Raiders."
student: "Raiders?"
me: "Raiders of the Lost Ark. you know, the movie."
me: "you know, Indiana Jones?"
student: "like the Lego set?"
student: "Raiders?"
me: "Raiders of the Lost Ark. you know, the movie."
me: "you know, Indiana Jones?"
student: "like the Lego set?"
Raiders was released in 1981. I was entering High School. That was 44 years ago.
Would we, in 1981, have understood references to Father Perrault in Lost Horizon? ;-)
still, these kids' parents are all gen x, and i think they let us down.
they haven't seen Airplane! or Ferris Bueller, either.