I’d be in jail if I wrote what I really would love to do. Hey, y’all need to visit me in prison. Since Trump hates anything said about him that’s critical then it’s. My job to go after him every fucking day. BTW, I look great in black and white stripes.😎
Trump gave away Putin weakness telling Zelensky he doesn’t have the people to continue, I believe it’s really Putin who doesn’t have fighters, he’s emptied prisons to fight, had untrained North Koreans I believe Putin is pushing to end with him getting the better deal cuz he doesn’t have the army
Can we please include JD Vance in this. He is often not mentioned in the same breath as Elon/Trump. Also, why did our Secretary of State not say a damn thing.
For what? Sticking up for our country from a country that has been ripping us off for years? Ukraine has WAY too much money from us. Zelensky oils a dictator who wants war, and if you agree with Zelensky then you are mentally retarded. I don’t know what goes through you democrats heads.
Oh dear. Somebody's had quite a big helping of Russian propaganda for breakfast! Yum yum! You eat up everything Putin tells you like a good little boy. After all, red-blooded Americans do everything that communist dictators tell them to do!
You are insane. You just wished death on a man. You are an insane, sick soul that will rot in hell and burn for years along with Biden, Harris, Obama, the Clintons, Epstein, Diddy, and many more. Go fuck yourself
Good morning! Hope you have a great Sunday! I'm sure you'll go to church, and then have a wonderful day enjoying life with all your family and friends.
It's Donald Trump that likes to get the oil out and lube up for Putin's cock.