I'm seeing ppl say we don't need NOAA because we get the info on our phones
Sigh....NOAA gathers weather data using daily weather balloon launches. It uses this info & shares it with things like our phones
JFC ppl are fucking stupid
Sigh....NOAA gathers weather data using daily weather balloon launches. It uses this info & shares it with things like our phones
JFC ppl are fucking stupid
Who do they think flies drones (or planes) into hurricanes?
No “The Weather Channel” is not the correct answer.
The upside: once they realize I have no protections it will go quickly
"We don't need farmers - I get my food fat the grocery store"
"You can't fix stupid"
most effective republican policy in history
We like NOAA for a reason.
Like during hurricane season.
Will Trump cuts make us sorry?
Nope. He’ll fix it with his sharpie.
Try not to make more enemies than there already are.
They want us to be at each other.
SiMilArlY, iT wOn’t aFfeCt mE iF faRmErS gO bAnKrUpt, cuz i cAn jUst bUy fOoD aT tHe gRoCeRy sToRe. 🙄
you go outside, and absolutely every fucking thing doesn't work, the roads don't work, the automatic doors don't work, all parking spaces have been erased, all cops are getting fat on donuts and bourbon, they don't work... on and on it goes, ty trumpers