Treachery. That’s what. Starmer needs to prioritise dealing with this. As we know, coup d’etats traditionally start at the national broadcaster and the uk’s was no exception.
That's strange. I've watched the BBC closely since Labour was elected and they've been nothing but critical of him. After Starmer announced the budget, they immediately switched to an expert stating Starmer was "dodging questions" he didn't have the answer to.
From a Scottish perspective, BBC Scotland seems to go out of its way to fiercely defend Labour and the Tories. It feels like they’re so focused on protecting these parties that they often overlook genuine criticism, which can be frustrating when it comes to addressing Scotland’s real issues.
Scotland and Ireland just get ignored in general. I get pissy when I only hear about London troubles as a Northerner, but I bet it's much worse up there. The only news I've heard about Scotland from the BBC in the last 6 months is rising crime in Glasgow, election results, and SNP failures.
All you ever hear in Scotland from BBC & STV is we're absolutely shite at everything,there is nothing good,everything is broken and it's all SNP's fault. Labour & Tories are protected as they're never challenged or asked what they would do. The answer is they have no ideas.
You are comparing two fundamentally different aspects of the impact of Brexit on the NHS. The first headline from the BBC in 2016 claims that Brexit could save the NHS £100 million a week, focusing solely on potential financial benefits.
In contrast, the second headline from The Independent in 2022 highlights significant challenges, such as staff shortages and medicine supply issues. This comparison raises questions about the intent behind it.
By juxtaposing a 2016 financial projection with a 2022 assessment of the NHS's struggles, it seems aimed at undermining the BBC's reputation without considering the broader context.
The departure of many EU professionals from the UK due to Brexit has exacerbated staffing shortages, which were further intensified by the pandemic. COVID-19 has not only led to the exhaustion of healthcare workers but has also prompted many to leave the profession altogether.
To be fair, the bit in quotation marks was an opinion the BBC was pretty much bound to cover in 2016, though it would have been good to see the quote attributed in the headline.
But the NHS can never work in any case; because it is a Socialist, nationalised scheme. Can you point to a single other country that has emulated our much vaunted "Jewel in the Crown "?
BBC has also had a right wing bias on literally every issue, during any of the debates they hosted they made sure to steer clear of any questions about brexit.
A clip I can't find now of Emily Maitlis recalling how, when a news story broke on some aspect of British life, that was going to be damaged by Brexit the team would call any 1 of countless experts to come on that night to speak on why it was bad.
One article repeats a claim made in 2016 by the supporting side to leaving the EU about the effects on the NIH if UK leaves the EU, and another article written six years later detailing the actual effect on the NIH after leaving the EU?
Precisely right, reporting the CLAIMS of both sides, without proper context or analysis. The desperate attempt to appear 'even handed', usually giving rise to expert & crackpot views being presented alongside each other as equal value!!
If the electorate can not, when given claims on both sides, analyze the claims and reach a sensible conclusion by themselves, do they really deserve a better outcome than Brexit?
A lot of such media is even-handed because they trust the electorate. If they can't meet the moment they deserve it.
I'd like to agree with you, but sadly most of the public appear incapable of analysing anything, let alone complex & conflicting claims.
I just feel that the role of the media isn't just to present both side's claims. It is to analyse those claims and present a reasoned assessment.
It has always been the difference between ’reporting’ with ‘impartiality’ and investigating and challenging what is reported. That is why the BBC has Panorama etc. BBC’s reporting mandate exploited by lying politicians like Johnson and Farage.
It seems to be quoting what a Brexiteer claimed about Brexit. It did so by putting quotation marks around the claim so that we would know that the BBC wasn't saying this, but quoting someone saying it. Are you saying the BBC should only quote those on 1 side of an issue?
The problem arises when the BBC’s mandate to ‘report’ the news meets lying politicians. BBC News is mandated to report but not analyse the news. The BBC has or had its investigative journalists on Panorama, Newsnight etc. this is where the BBC does its great work. Undermined by Tories.
to be fair the bbc was quoting what was being said by someone before the referendum,which is what news is.
the paper was showing a quote from 2022,6 years after the referendum.
At the time I believe the Beeb was being run by a Tory crony and certain restrictive rules were in place that seemed to be right-leaning. Just a viewpoint. Mind you, I'm a member of the Labour party so I am definitely a leftie liberal, and proud, so I would think that 😉
Their role in enabling Brexit (to quote the Lettuce Loser) Is. A. Disgrace.
Airing false equivalence in the name of ‘balance’ rather than neutral factual consideration of what was at stake.
BBC leadership needs a thorough shake up.
honestly the BBC needs better regulation. if it was well funded it could be such a brilliant news source, but unfortunately we get these articles that look like genuine facts, when they're essentially reporting the opinion of Nigel Farage
One of the saddest and most irresponsible aspects of the brexit process was the failure of media organisations to properly research claims that were being made and to robustly challenge those making them. Applied to both sides really. But a real lack of investigative / penetrative journalism.
We are fortunate to have on this site, BBC fact checker and disinformation expert. It would be good to get her take on how the BBC creates headlines and what the policy is. I'm also exasperated by how clumsy the BBC headlines can be.
A state propaganda Chanel. Now it’s still supporting the ‘establishment’ and trying to bring down the democratically elected government. Time for change at the BBC. We need people at board level who respect the Beebs supposedly even handed approach.
Who's going to run the BBC if it was privatised - presumably some wealthy right winger ? The TV licence fee is set by the Govt and is a lever to control the BBC. Unless you have a completely separate body setting the fee how can you guarantee impartiality?
In this case it's just misinformation.
You had your vote.
The viewer never got to see that massive imbalance. By the time it reached our eyes it looked like 1 expert from each pov.
A lot of such media is even-handed because they trust the electorate. If they can't meet the moment they deserve it.
I just feel that the role of the media isn't just to present both side's claims. It is to analyse those claims and present a reasoned assessment.
THAT is the headline. Not this bullshit masquerading as a factual statement.
Sure, it was it quotes, but most people will ignore that and just think that Brexit will improve the NHS without reading the actual article.
Should say:
"Vote leave falsely claims Brexit will boost NHS by £100m"
the paper was showing a quote from 2022,6 years after the referendum.
Or was the question rhetorical?
The problem is with an audience that doesn't get 'citations', we have the BBC itself saying the NHS is going to get a boost.
A problem I see too often.
That's around half or more of the UK population. Just assuming peeps are 'thick' gets us Brexit - and Trump..
Airing false equivalence in the name of ‘balance’ rather than neutral factual consideration of what was at stake.
BBC leadership needs a thorough shake up.
Because of course that means "blindly presenting both sides" rather than "reporting the actual facts."
It needs to stop. If they repeat a lie, they are part of the lie.
Most trustworthy news source for a generation but has been fooling millions since it's inception.