"Trump is acting like a King ... because he is Too Weak to Govern like a President" ~ Ezra Klein
I admit, the Onslaught of sheer Stupidity coming from the Republican Party & it's Conman King has overwhelmed me lately. Adding more humor into my Rants has helped me, as well as truisms like this one.
I admit, the Onslaught of sheer Stupidity coming from the Republican Party & it's Conman King has overwhelmed me lately. Adding more humor into my Rants has helped me, as well as truisms like this one.
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It's not like this is new, he's always been an asshole! 🤡
#TrumpIsNotWell #TrumpIsUnfit #TrumpIsNotFitToLead #Trump #GOP #ImpeachTrump #DementiaDon #DementiaDonOld #Joker #JokerTrump #TrumpIsADementedWeirdo