I’m so angry right now I can barely think straight. Between him hurting our veterans, our elderly and disabled, our poor, our LGBTQIA, immigrants who are looking for a better life…
All while his cult sit on the sidelines cheering the cruelty.
It's always been about the cruelty. I'm dying of heart failure. It affects me too. The bastard. I wish his FAA choices makes HIS plane go down, the fucker
I’m so sorry to hear that! Just what you don’t need is the added stress these bastards are putting on us. The US is supposed to be a wealthy, powerful country and the selfish make it so we have to work until we die, don’t get much vacation .. we can’t even get healthcare or medications.
Yes, but I was diagnosed in 2018 when the first abomination was occurring. So, I'm full of piss n vinegar to survive. Some people die on stress. I get high on stress! I want to live long enough to piss on this fucker's grave. Then I can fall over and die
The sad thing is he doesn’t seem to be a real father to any of them. Even X.. who seems to be his little human shield. I can’t imagine even getting close enough to him, unless it’s all purely a clinical thing. No amount of $$ would ever convince me to do that
All while his cult sit on the sidelines cheering the cruelty.