But they run on a completely different system as Humans, which is why there's no active communication.
Humans run on Windows, while the Coral run on Linux.
What makes Anomalies so special is that they're compatible with both- Or maybe, they're just coral voices that run windows, but can read Linux
Humans run on Windows, while the Coral run on Linux.
What makes Anomalies so special is that they're compatible with both- Or maybe, they're just coral voices that run windows, but can read Linux
Which, sparing some key details, is very similar to a theory seen elsewhere- The Limit of Questions.
The theory that too many sentient lifeforms in a given space will collapse reality.
The easiest indicator of this is how quantum number generators are influenced by the thoughts of nearby people.
Itself a whole topic, but
That's for another time
An analogy I like to use is that thoughts have 'weight'
But what happens when mass reaches a critical point?
So if physical mass has a limit before collapsing, what about mental mass?
When you can have billions of *cells*, each with their own thoughts and perception, occupying the same small space?
All while continuing to replicate exponentially?
But they could reach the Limit of Questions without... Question
Hence, a singularity. A black hole in its own right, but playing by different rules. Rules that could be influenced through perception
As long as the theory holds up, for whatever FromSoft has in mind.