It won’t make a bit of difference in what T does. He’ll pardon anyone he wants to, and dangle pardons as an incentive to others not to rock the boat. He doesn’t need “a new playbook” from Dems for anything.
People value a President who protects a son (who paid his due) from a potential FBI head who promises to excoriate him. Family ties matter more than political currents. And it isn't the same as pardoning party loyalists. Leave the Bidens alone and focus on the issues that matter to most Americans.
The reality is this will not be news in 72 hours. Look at the despicable things Trump has done that we all thought would be the end of his candidacy and Presidency and it was forgotten in less than a week. The American public's attention span is short. I applaud Joe for protecting his son!!!!
I'm tired of hearing that Biden "promised" or "swore" not to pardon his son. He made no declaration that he promised not to. He changed his mind when he saw who Trump was appointing to the FBI and the DOJ and what that would mean for his son, prison time.
so true, not a lie. also, if we forget for just a moment that hunter is the son of the president, looking strictly at the facts of these cases, their clearly unwarranted and political executions are precisely what the founders had in mind for the presidential use of the pardon.
It’s smart to change your mind when you receive new information. Certainly Patel has made it clear that he planned to go after Hunter. I don’t understand all the fuss. Seems pretty clear to me.
We have a president elect who is like a Batman villain, his billionaire backer is like a Bind villain, and the media that is like Tokyo Rose meets Baghdad Bob. This was supposed to the last gasp of the MAGA gop. Instead it’s like a meteor hit and Democrats are the dinosaurs. #AmericanDarkAges 😏
No, and he said it, too. MAGA would have drug Hunter through the muck to torture Biden. Let's hope Biden remembers the rest of us. He should let Harris be president for a day and then all the 47 merch will be useless!
I opposed it until a vindictive criminal on a warpath of revenge won the election. He won't be able to go after Joe, so he'd have gone after Hunter as a proxy, just as the GOP have done. Not saying Hunter didn't do wrong and didn't deserve his day in court, but still...
Plus- they also understand that if he didn’t do it, his son would again be at the mercy of the Trump DOJ looking for political scalps to hang on the proverbial wall for Trump (they have an enemies list just like Watergate only public not secret)- if Kamala won, he wouldn’t have done it
Let's agree to maybe not post any articles by the Post or the Times. Considering the fact that they have betrayed the country, I'm not keen on giving their platform any attention going forward.
Why do these mouthpiece people think we will ever trust them again?
We are allowed to feel how we feel. Stop telling us our reactions are incorrect. Stop replacing your judgement with others. Especially those who depend on your reactions for their paychecks
He did the absolute right thing, I am proud of him for swallowing his integrity to do it, I know he did it to protect his child from those wolves. I read all of Hunter's charges, ridiculous. If he were a normal guy, no jail time, likely no charges to begin with. Patel targeted him, he had to do it.
If I've learned one thing from the last election, it's that "Democratic voters" are a VERY different group from "Democratic voters in my well-informed social media bubble". So I would not back your statement as written.
Last warning to media and pundits. Enough about Hunter Biden. There's much more to attend to with the fascist rise and ultranationalism threats to our well being...
#TheResistance #BlockPower
None of the reporters (and/or their editors) writing these stories were smart enough to opine that this pardon was gonna happen after the election -- and the clock started ticking faster & faster after he dropped out of the race
The most vindictive man ever to sit in the Oval Office is about to take power, dragging a whole trainload of M@GA conspiracists w him to take over the federal government. Yeah, this was a wise move by President Biden
The MSM needs to stop playing games & pretending the tr*mp 2.0 DOJ will be normal
I'm not seeing a lot of front page articles about fascism and autocracy, even though we can see them journeying towards us. Better to blame Biden than warn about trump.
Criticizing Biden for protecting his son from future prosecution by pathological lying sociopath is ridiculous. I would be more angry if he didn’t do it. Damn smart move. Fu*k the political pundits.
I never opposed Hunter's pardon! After 5 years of persecution, he was prosecuted for acts no other American would: owning a gun for 11 days while addicted; paying taxes late while addicted. Thanks to incompetent partisan Merrick Fucking Garland.
Had Trump not won the 2024 election, Joe wouldn’t have pardoned Hunter. Joe knows his enemy well and did what was necessary to stop Trump & MAGA from relentless persecution of Hunter. Their obsession with the Biden family borders on mania. The incoming House will continue their crusade against them.
I am sick of WaPo and billionaires trying to tell us how to think. I am very glad Biden pardoned Hunter and would have been disappointed in him, if he hadn't. It was the right thing to do. Period. End of story.
Pundits and the media are full of nonsense and political correctness. The majority of Democrat supporters back Biden's decision to pardon his son. These biased media outlets should conduct public polls about the pardon, and they would see for themselves how disconnected they are from public opinion
They may just be trying to fill up air time / column inches. They're obviously not using them to cover / analyze the moves trump etc are doing and the implications.
Fascism. Autocracy.
What are they waiting for? Is it not important to warn us?
Well we have an incoming President who has been convicted of 34 felonies and an adjudicated rapist. In the scheme of things, who really cares the sitting President pardoned his son to save him from the horror of those people.
Democrats need to STOP this ridiculous position that somehow Trump can change his mind like he changes undies. Biden reading the grotesque signs of the weaponized AG Bondi knew his only son would be attacked mercilessly. What father would allow that?
We all knew that MAGA would immediately start harassing the Biden's over nothing but let Jared Kushner skate on what he gave or promised the Crown Prince for $2 billion.
They were also mum when trump appointed Charlier Kushner Ambassador to the UK. A convicted felon, whom trump pardoned.
I say we don't react at all to anything any MAGA says. They're absurd, destructive people whose concerns are never legit. Joe's legacy is wrecked now? Quislings
We are allowed to feel how we feel. Stop telling us our reactions are incorrect. Stop replacing your judgement with others. Especially those who depend on your reactions for their paychecks
#TheResistance #BlockPower
Joe was within his rights to pardon Hunter. The End
The MSM needs to stop playing games & pretending the tr*mp 2.0 DOJ will be normal
When the change is drastic, ALL plans must be reexamined.
Let's apply this common sense to all matters before the Jan 20 inauguration.
Fascism. Autocracy.
What are they waiting for? Is it not important to warn us?
Prosecution as well
I say we don't react at all to anything any MAGA says. They're absurd, destructive people whose concerns are never legit. Joe's legacy is wrecked now? Quislings