Why the hell is Congress sitting on their ample backsides allowing this unelected, unvetted, unaccountable foreigner, who has close business ties to Putin and Xi, run our government as he sees fit with absolutely no oversight?
I rated 25 Veteran's disability claims.
Assisted my fellow RVSRs with their tasks.
Assisted a friend at another station in requesting military records.
Wished fervently every day that this illegal coup would end.
I'm probably stating the obvious, but it's as if the current 🇺🇸 government is purposefully pushing its own citizens to open rebellion so Trump can declare martial law, and then it's all over. The democracy experiment is done.
So much for gov't efficiency.Their list of shit to do and things that they are responsible for was already knee deep. Let's cut their numbers and require more.. When that fails, let's just proclaim that we need to privatize everything because nothing is efficient anymore. These people make me sick.
What do we do when the Trump administration just ignores the court’s rulings? If they have taken control of the fed purse strings, then who stops them?
Let’s ask the SCOTUS if it’s legal for the president to do something just because he’s president. Surely not.
Checks notes: Sorry, democracy. Better luck next time.
Welp. They did not play golf. They did not cost taxpayers millions to attend Daytona 500. They did not actively participate in the ongoing coup. They did not cost 400k/month like each musk-rat. They did not make 8M daily off govt. They did not purge agencies. They did not make America less safe.
THIS IS BEYOND INSANE! ELON MUSK, who has ZERO understanding of government or the people who work to make this country function, is now pushing this toxic, authoritarian garbage?! Using “failure to respond” as a RESIGNATION? Are we living in a dystopia? These egomaniacs are DESTROYING us!
Holy fuck. Everything these fascist fuckers are doing flies in the face of modern leadership theory. They asswipes aren't leaders. They occupy a position of power only.
I hope people will start to wake the fuck up.
Juvenile harassment by psychotic drug addict. How about he write up what he actually got done last week, besides running around brandishing a chain saw. Total Ass.
It is time we the people revolt against Muskrat. He is not even a legal government employee with security clearance. And since when is the government run by social media and emails?
Feels like when teachers in public school had authoritarian principals in command, and demanded lesson plans every Friday so they could "read" them. It lasted about a month.
On vacation?
On maternity/paternity leave?
They will be using machine learning to “read” all of them scanning for basically anything that affects or regulates Musk and then firing those people.
Assisted my fellow RVSRs with their tasks.
Assisted a friend at another station in requesting military records.
Wished fervently every day that this illegal coup would end.
Last week’s activities included collaboration and team building activities
Checks notes: Sorry, democracy. Better luck next time.
Is that bad?
Oh! And I strengthened Russia too!
1 email per activity
I hope people will start to wake the fuck up.
2. I hope people start suing when they get fired.
3. We need volunteer attys to help.