and yet everyday #trumpleforeskin allows the Zionist expansionists to bomb Syria and evacuate the west bank the closer he brings us to the next 9/11. At some point someone will strike back, being isolated doesn't and never ends well.
How much longer be te Republican Administration speaks up?
Who amongst us could foresee that this Oval Office visit was a carefully laid trap? Now ask yourself what else do you not foresee. They will continue to debase themselves in unfathomable ways. We can’t even imagine what’s next.
Very isolated US indeed. Thanks to this Republican Administration elected by 77M voters. The 75M that voted for Harris and the 90M that didn’t vote are just sitting on their hands and watching the destruction of the US domestically and internationally.
Millions of Americans, on the left and right, feel one thing in common: that the game is rigged against people like them. There is a spreading recognition, on both sides of the ideological divide, that the system is broken, that the system has to change.
That’s because our “president” is the least secure, most petty, least intelligent “leader”, ever.
There has not been ONE SINGLE thing Trump has done to make American lives better. Not one.
It's not like this happened suddenly. This scornful disrespect shown to other countries has been well understood by everyone outside the US for decades. You're known as the egocentric schoolyard bully with no real friends, the only difference is now you have no choice but to see it too.
What do you mean? We've never, ever been here. We're bordering on pariah. We've offended our neighbors, we've offended our allies. We've offended countries who relied on us for aid. Name a time we were less liked globally.
We have an awful lot of people in charge of the MOST important things possible who are colluding and don't know what they're doing. What would happen if we were attacked? I just made my stomach flip asking that.
I was raised on Airforce bases during the cold war. I was scared to death knowing at any time Russia would nuke us....
I feel the same way now... in my golden years.. dont ask me about my resentment
It's difficult to think that America would ever support Ukraine against Russia, given that they were successfully invaded by Russia by stealth last November.
It’s way more complicated than “we let it happen.” It’s so upside-down here that anyone who protested two decades ago and spoke the truth were told even by their own families they were mad hatters.
In all seriousness, I appreciate your point but no one stopped Trump.
No one dug into facts hard enough.
No one cared.
Voter apathy let this happen.
But I do certainly understand the complicatedness of it all & I am sorry.
When a reporter told Trump less than 1% (.03%) of fentanyl is seized at the Can-US border, his response was "they need to do more". By "they", he should mean US border services or admit his tariffs on Canada have nothing to do with fentanyl because it's not a problem from Can to US. Vice versa is.
Considering we only work with Putin against all our allies how is this not treason? Yet seems we're just accepting treason and our Constitution being shredded like its normal. Wtf
They've made it clear over and over!
Mostly white, self described "Christian," MAGA, is actively destroying the United States, for Russia, from within. MAGA is the poison America must eliminate. Every pro democracy American, must arm themselves for what's coming next.
#Revolution4democracy #WWIII
I literally said this earlier today too. Other nations can watch thar spectacle today and know that this chaos and pettiness shows our administration doesn't have their eye on the ball like they should. It's an awful feeling.
How much longer be te Republican Administration speaks up?
"Do You Think You Were Better Off [Then] Or [Now]?"
The Life Of NOBODY Living Has EVER Been Like This!
EVERYBODY'S Life WAS Better-At ANY Other Time-Than It Is Right Now!
America - and the World - Know! 🇺🇸 🌍
Make Putin great again
There has not been ONE SINGLE thing Trump has done to make American lives better. Not one.
The US has caused the world more grief, pollution and violence to last 10 millennia. Time for the US to come its own North Korea.
is that he didn’t name “American” as the official language of the United States…
and claim that he invented it.
Impeachment and removal from office by the senate.
Trusted? Not a chance.
I haven’t been able to do anything at home after watching that horror show.
I just can’t believe what they did to Zelenskyy
Because csa will RISE AGAIN!!
Idiot Treasonous #christians
I feel the same way now... in my golden years.. dont ask me about my resentment
And you let it happen.
Have at.
No one dug into facts hard enough.
No one cared.
Voter apathy let this happen.
But I do certainly understand the complicatedness of it all & I am sorry.
So sad
There is a case for a negotiated peace in Ukraine that benefits the US.
Mostly white, self described "Christian," MAGA, is actively destroying the United States, for Russia, from within. MAGA is the poison America must eliminate. Every pro democracy American, must arm themselves for what's coming next.
#Revolution4democracy #WWIII