I'm waiting to see what they cook up for the evos. If PLA is any precedent, these'll get regional variants of their final forms with different typings than usual.
Unless they've been given new final form evolutions like how Legends Arceus gave us new final forms for the previous iteration of these types of games, I'm going to be always choosing my boy Totodile. Godzilla The Feraligatr will continue to be my champion in any game that feature the blue reptile.
Totodile, no contest. I picked him all the way back in Gold version in 1999, and he's the first one I raised to level 100. Time eventually killed the cartridge's battery and I lost him forever. Looking forward to raising another Feraligatr
Gotta rep my girl Chikorita
Never particularly cared for any of their original final evos though so itβs a hard choice
With hopes that I will get to use a Megameganium!
But I'm thinking Totodile. Hoping for a cool final evolution