I’ve woken up in a “let’s drag all the billionaires out into the street, have them publicly beheaded & disperse their funds to the needy” kinda mood. 😤🤨
Morning. ☕️👋💖
Morning. ☕️👋💖
I’m nice-n-fired-up this morning! 😂😂🔪👌
Good morning Love ☕️👋
Mother Nature is pissed at us
If you’re hoarding that kind of money, you are not only evil, but a direct threat to the economy/ environment & need to be severely dealt with, like lantana & toads! 🐸
I've been learning from Peggy what greedy Gina is up to in qld & nt
Hehe. :)
Got it sorted; but you’re welcome to the bbq. 🍖
Yep! Mdme Guillotine!
Keeping a chest infection & headaches company.
I thought I was winning yesterday so finished painting first coat of 2nd half the room.
The bug is fighting back! & winning! ☣😥
Rest up, good man. We’re gonna need you for the Revolution. 💖
Gina will finally be of use.
They're either good ppl or bad.
I threw Gina's Dad out of my kitchen. Arrogant prick. He demanded an apology. Not to my face. Instead demanding it thru my bosse's..bosse's boss! I refused but my boss apologised 😬
The 70s at Yandee line camp. A rail camp hundreds of Kms from Pt. Hedland. Everyone technically worked for Lang.
He just walked in as I was cooking dinner for 80 men & started poking his finger into pots, tasting.
I went Gordon Ramsey on his arse. He bolted!
Where do we start?
I’d be so motivated if this was really happening!
It’s been a very exciting conversation this morning. 💥😂
Looking for nice people and good things shakes me out of it daily.
Then we’ll work out the hard part. ✔️
I’ll bring extra satay sauce for the barbie!
They’re evil, not stupid after all. 🤷♀️
The rest would resolve the issue very quickly! 😂
Sounds like a plan!
It was a hot night 🥵
Poor sleep, sorry. 😂
We tried the beheading of the rich and powerful, and here we are, back again with the rich and powerful controlling our lives.
Change the system.
Got a remedy for that?
It require a mental change on how politicians think, away from a foucs on "economy" and start thinking about "the people".
The best way forward, learn from other countries and do what works best for the people.
There is sadly no utopia, no country that is a paradise.
The people who lead us are, & they don’t care about rules. They fix elections so they win & make capitalistic decisions that suit themselves.
I don’t think we can resolve this with reason, cos I don’t think they care!
Politic divide Humanity
Religion divide Humanity
What will unite us is Justice.
Good morning Gorgeous. ☕️💋
It has been a fantastic robust conversation. I think it might just work! 💥👌
Morning Gorgeous. 🥰
At the end of each calendar year, the person with the most money gets eaten. Their wealth distributed.
Watch how the billionaires, in subsequent years, reapportion their wealth to ensure their NOT 'number 1' next year
Solid fucking plan
We are one! 🏆💥💖
We’re parked outside. 👍🚗
We are the closest we’ve ever been to a French Revolution.
People are murderous with rage over these two power-crazy nutjobs!
They should be carrying some of our anxiety for a change. 🤨
I reckon we should hand out awards. Once you get to 1 billion an award is given then every dollar after a billion goes straight to the government to help people. Call it “You won capitalism award!”. Next award is the “You won humanity award!”. Make it tiered so they have something to aim 4
Cos right now we definitely don’t. 🤮
If we ever rewrite our constitution it should be about the environment, people & last economics because nothing should overrule the environment & people
Why not cull the single richest person in the world every year and disperse their money to the poorest people in the world?
It's only a single person...of dubious character anyhow. And SO much happiness and relief to SO many.
But I can't see how it wouldn't be a popular idea. It will only ever affect a single elite-of-the-elite person a year. And SO much joy.
They’d be jumping into the closet so fast - & throwing all the lgbtqi’s out of it. 🤣🤣🏳️🌈👊💖
Proper democracy sausages, none of that cheap Woolies stuff. Gina’s paying for it after all.
Morning Jo! ☕️👋💖
Morning Kris! ☕️👋💖
Day's greetings, Ms. Rebel ☕☕🖤
Well, someone should say it. Probably every day. 💥🤷♀️
Good afternoon Bea. ☕️👋💖