Julius Caesar - Loved it
Lord of the Flies - So so
Ted Hughes' poems - Didn't enjoy
I studied sciences in VI form, after leaving school I had to catch up with classic literature (Dickens, Hardy, Homer etc.) and developed a love of poetry, especially Betjeman, R.S. Thomas and Larkin.
Lord of the Flies - So so
Ted Hughes' poems - Didn't enjoy
I studied sciences in VI form, after leaving school I had to catch up with classic literature (Dickens, Hardy, Homer etc.) and developed a love of poetry, especially Betjeman, R.S. Thomas and Larkin.
- share his poems, quotes, events, info, Q+A, etc.
- and there’s a Society you can join… https://rsthomaspoetry.co.uk/rs-thomas-me-eldridge-society/
please re-post?