Hmm. None of this is visible over there, but I might just be because Bridgy Fed is lagging -- (from an account that's been bridged for a while) also isn't bridging.
Software, sigh.
No shade on anybody, I know Bridgy Fed's a […]
Software, sigh.
No shade on anybody, I know Bridgy Fed's a […]
And really, a half-hour lag for a new account to start bridging isn't unreasonable ... expectation-setting is key. But of course that means that the exepctation-setting is complex, and people want something simple. II's a […]
Can you follow Bluesky accounts through the bridge? I still don’t have a Bluesky account, and I’d like to access posts from people who have the low privacy level which requires a subscription. If a bridge from Masto provides that feature then that’s one fewer account online which I would […]
If a Bluesky account isn't currently bridging, you can ask them to -- see's profile for more
Thanks for the answer. It sounds as if an account over there will still be of some value, in case posters refuse to bridge.