The GOP would have trouble fielding candidates for lower house seats if pedophiles were ruled out. Pedophilia is one of the modern Republican party's core principles.
Right. They just arrested king ding dongs personal preacher for graping a 13 year old child last week and sentenced another top donor for graping multiple children earlier last week as well. Maddow reported on the latter way back in 2018
They wouldnt execute pedophiles with that law they would just uh, falsely accuse trans people of being pedophiles like they've done for the past 5 years and execute those innocent people with that law.
I saw McFelon and his daughter on TV when she turned 16. He was bragging about her Birthday and said that she was so beautiful, he'd go out with her if she wasn't his daughter. It made me sick! No Dad I've known EVER said that about his own daughter! I have loathed that pervert ever since.
Why is no one here pointing out that they're not gonna execute pedophiles, they're gonna accuse their political enemies of being pedophiles and then execute them
Unfortunately I'm sure only those not loyal to the regime would be proscuted. ... Considering this is almost a requirement for being at their table I'm surprised it's even being suggested.
They don’t mean actual pedophiles, that’s them they’re the pedos. They mean the people they label pedos which is anyone they feel like killing. Mostly the gay population. Shit almost everyone on their little team is a rapist and or pedo.
No, you don’t get it. The reason Trump can’t release the Epstein files is because there’s a lot of good guys in there that could be victimized by these allegations…
Problem is that they're also pushing laws to make trans people in public chargable with sexual abuse of minors. For existing. This is half of the equation for stage 9 of genocide.
Exactly. This is another one of McFelon's revenge moves. He and his Loyalists are setting up their game pieces for when they make their future moves against anyone they don't like.
Sure, if they care about things like evidence...but they're just going to accuse their enemies of being this and send them to a kangaroo court for sentencing. The death penalty is never something you want to see fascists employing.
With due process, the Church would be decimated. Or is there a word for executing 9 out of 10?
I'm going with Greasy Obscene Pdiddler
Thanks for the chuckle
State Capitals and DC, large National protest!
PLEASE copy and paste this on every political post you read.