I can’t get behind cold blooded murder, ever. Whatever Thompson was or wasn’t he had a family. Although I do understand the anger, for me I’ll never accept this guy as some kind of folk hero. Healthcare needs major reform but it’s part of the larger 1% problem in this country.
Divorce or not there are still kids that lost a father. Maybe a shitty father or maybe not, I have no idea and neither do you. Trying to craft Luigi into some kind of folk hero like a John Brown I just think is misplaced. This is a big issue but I don’t think gunning down CEOs solves it.
He indirectly killed thousands of people by being on a board denying insurance claims. He made money off of people literally dying. People like you sympathize with monsters that deserve whatever consequences are coming to them. You are part of the fucking problem
I don’t sympathize with monsters, that’s not what I said. I sympathize with families hurt by violence. If all of that is true, that’s what prisons are for. Yes I understand criminals sometimes get away with crimes (see Trump and crew) but I’m not ok with condoning murder, thats all.
I get the anger. The 1% have to be dealt with but a shooting on the street won’t fix it I agree with you. The disparities are big enough to enrage some people to the point of being ok with murder. We have a big problem that needs fixing and dump is amplifying it by a million. What a mess.
Shut the fuck up you clown. Go kill the rest of them if you're such a big bad tough guy . Its stupid radical left-wing lunatics like you that think you know it all. Go take care of the problem instead of sitting here on social media being a keyboard warrior fuckhead🤡🤡🤡🤡
First off, he didn’t murder anybody, prove me wrong. Second, shit takes time, I realize we like instant gratification but it doesn’t work like that in real life.
Isn’t it great that we use a whole legal system where things have to be proven beyond a reason of doubt instead of mob mentality. That is what separates us from the beasts.
Nah. Your capitalist brain rot has just led you to believe no immediate results = pointless.
He changed the way people discuss the predatory health insurance industry. He reinforced class solidarity. & unlike any other “leader” in the US, he took an actionable stance in the name of his beliefs.
Welp guess what!! He's going to be in jail for probably the rest of his life=stupid decision=no regard for life=hope you're actions correct the problem 😆😂👍
lmao congrats on your false sense of moral superiority? I’m sure if it wasn’t for that you’d struggle to anchor yourself to any real purpose. Have a great weekend
Plenty of high profile cases are denied bail. Innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt is sacrosanct in our criminal courts, and must be applied to EVERYONE. You would expect nothing less for yourself, correct?
Legal note that I am not endorsing violence or encouraging it
Isn’t it great that we use a whole legal system where things have to be proven beyond a reason of doubt instead of mob mentality. That is what separates us from the beasts.
He changed the way people discuss the predatory health insurance industry. He reinforced class solidarity. & unlike any other “leader” in the US, he took an actionable stance in the name of his beliefs.