I was scrolling through the Jayvik tag and someone literally made fanart of them doing stuff but aged down Viktor to when he was a child. It was fucking vile, I didn’t realize what it was for a second and when it registered I almost threw up.
I have no clue dude, I reported the post and blocked the account. Some may say it’s extreme but I don’t care, that shit is disgusting. Idk how they could have thought it was okay.
What in the ever loving what. ExcUSE ME?!?! Why. Why do people. Yenno. I’m not even gonna ask. I absolutely hate this shit. Both of them as little kids being friends and having innocent crushes? Fine. I’m fine with consensual age gaps too. But ONLY WHEN THEYRE STILL BOTH ADULTS.
WHY IN THE FUCK are people making this shit and think it’s ok. It’s one thing making wholesome stuff with like a “oh no magic/science made them a child on accident but their partner is surprisingly good with kids” But by your visceral reaction, I’m assuming it was anything but wholesome. Which is ew
Oh god I just saw it too. wtf. Wtfwtfwtfffff. That’s an actual child. It sliterakly jsut a child. I hate shota so much. This is why I hate shota. They make them literally prepubescent kids instead of just adults with a height difference. I can’t. I need to bleach my eyes.
RIGHT?? Like if you’re gonna make stuff with them as kids you have to be mindful of their age!! Even if it’s fictional and they’re almost always seen as adults, aging one down to be a child in a sexual context is vile.
I think I was spared bc I was also scrolling the JayVik tag, saw a post that said s/hota jayvik, and it was hidden for adult content. (was that the one?), and I just went... hmmm, popped open my settings and added s/hota to my muted words. Never saw it again.
Like... I would have added it sooner, but I've been mostly spared from seeing that stuff on here, so it was definitely a shock that I had to add it, to say the least...
I'm so so glad I avoided clicking it. It's actually illegal to even consume that type of content here in Canada, not to mention how much it icks me TF out when I’m forced to see it on Japanese porn sites... I'm sorry you had to see it for even a second. 🫂