Well you can go fuck yourself Pool.
Canada just not going anywhere and we sure as hell are not combining with the United States with their terrible health system and their terrible lack of gun control and their terrible attacks against diversity And their despicable corruption- nah not having it.
Maybe he should Google the end of WWII. Most of Germany was bombed to rubble and they didn't surrender until the Russians entered Berlin. London Blitz, Tokyo fire bombing, all the same. You will not get Canadians to surrender their country.
You mean we'll goosestep in Timmy, not march. And no political representation either eh ? Oh yes, Canadians are far too polite to raise a fuss over that. How does this guy even dare show his face in public ?
These people are such grifters but the problem ultimately is, the grift in pure evil. Frankly we're at the point where the point should be made on their doorsteps. It should be made clear: The party is over
$50,000 per podcast was the quoted number from the report outing these cucks. Funny, they cried victim for two weeks and ALL THEIR FOLLOWERS just came back. nothing suspicious, corrupt, or disgusting there huh?
"aFtEr wE dEsTroY tHe CanAdiAn EcOnoMy" shut the entire fuck up, you laughable barely sentient potato. Go yell upstairs and see if mom will bring her Very Special Boy another can of Monster and some Hot Pockets. 🤡
This is not directed at us Canadians we are very united with some MAGAlight lovers in the west. Our institutions are sound and we also are part of the Commonwealth. This is directed at the US. Ruzzians hoping for a civil war and they have their boys doing the job.
Come on up here and find out fucker.
Canada just not going anywhere and we sure as hell are not combining with the United States with their terrible health system and their terrible lack of gun control and their terrible attacks against diversity And their despicable corruption- nah not having it.
He seems like an arsehole with 2 minutes of fame🤮
OK I’m not surprised actually.
I wonder why this perpetrator has been able to sabotage in public.