Waiting for the first fight to ineviteably happen, made a feeling of anxious anticipation grow from within; Ness thinking about what he would do upon having to fight someone and...who would he even be fighting?
From the ominous cell into a battle-
Ness would immediately try to get a grasp on his new surroundings and notice the fighter before him. Certainly not the strangest encounter he's had, but it was still rather unexpected.
Now his next thought was anticipating what the other may or may not do and how he could react,
thinking through all the PSI abilities he had at his disposal. Not to mention his yo-yo and bat.
It felt kind of bad fighting like this though. A frown upon his features.
He knew he had to. For the sake of his world and everyone he cared about.
Ness wasn't the only one who felt bad fighting like this. All of DK's enemies up to this point had been Kremlings or those serving K. Rool, not an innocent kid. There was no other choice though. It is a fight for survival.
Before doing any sort of attack however DK would just walk up and extend a hand. Letting Ness know he was at least going to be friendly even when their respective worlds are at risk.
After their friendly exchange he pounded on his chest. Donkey Kong was ready for the fight. May the best win.
From the ominous cell into a battle-
Now his next thought was anticipating what the other may or may not do and how he could react,
It felt kind of bad fighting like this though. A frown upon his features.
He knew he had to. For the sake of his world and everyone he cared about.
After their friendly exchange he pounded on his chest. Donkey Kong was ready for the fight. May the best win.